Luke Schraufnagel
Vice President

About Me      

What influenced you to join FFA?

As an Agricultural Educator’s kid, I was sort of expected to join the FFA and get involved in its activities. But as I grew up into middle school, I noticed that this organization was more than just an expectation from me. Having our elementary, middle, and high schools all connected, I witnessed the lasting impact that the FFA had on all students. I realized this organization was no ordinary group, and I wanted to be a part of it. Rachel Serocki, Chet Abramczak, and Amber Noah—all are just a few names of high schoolers who played a vital role in influencing my middle school self into joining the FFA. My parents, being Ag Educators, also encouraged me to join this organization and live to serve others in any way possible. The people of the FFA had the biggest influence on me joining this life-changing organization!


What inspired you to serve as a State Officer?

Growing up, I failed to believe in myself and I continued to believe in the lie that I couldn’t do it. It wasn’t until my Sophomore year when I was encouraged by others to participate in Parliamentary Procedure that I found my self-esteem. The amount of value and respect I have for the individuals who encouraged me to do the unthinkable, to venture into the unknown, and to try the impossible, I can’t thank enough. How many other students around the world are struggling with courage and self-esteem? As a State Officer, I realized that I could be a person of encouragement and positivity to the members sitting in the corner and to the members believing the lies of “I can’t do this”. I am inspired to change member’s mindsets to a mindset of “I can, and I will” and I am inspired to witness the impact on their lives. All of this inspiration came directly from the FFA members before me who encouraged me to try new things and step out of my comfort zone. 


What are your favorite FFA experiences?

Although Career and Leadership Development Events have my heart, I cannot directly state that they are my favorite FFA experiences. It’s hard, but I can’t even say that all the trips and tours that our chapter takes each year are my favorite experiences. But what I can say is that witnessing the emotions that FFA members get is my favorite experience within this organization. This past year, I witnessed two members crying tears of joy because of what the FFA had done in their lives. I also witnessed several members from several different chapters come together and start praying over each other. It was these moments that I had where I realized the FFA is so much more than meetings, competitions, and conventions. We are truly a family and I cherish every experience I get where I witness these sorts of encounters. These personal gatherings and emotional stages of the FFA are what truly get my heart running for this family and all the members part of it.  


What are your future plans?

Living to serve and taking care of others has always been a value in my heart. I currently work as a Certified Nursing Assistant in an assisted living home and I hope to one day become either a Registered Nurse or a Doctor in Otolaryngology, which is a fancy word for an ENT. Wherever my plans take me, I will bring my absolute passion for my care for others and I will continue to trust in the Lord, Jesus Christ. 


What is something members should know about you?

I am a certified yapper and I will find an yapportunity and talk to anyone about anything. Everyone, please know that I would LOVE to talk with you. I am also a listener and I would love to listen to your passion for the FFA and your experiences with this organization. That being said, please feel free to contact me or grab me during a convention/conference and start a conversation because I want to get to know all of you!


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