TYSON GEHRKE - Treasurer

  Tyson Gehrke

About Me      

What influenced you to join FFA?
I joined FFA in the sixth grade after heavy influence from my mom. I wanted nothing to do with agriculture and because of this my mom persuaded me to join FFA. I told her no over and over again, but she persisted and I eventually joined. I loved it from the beginning and the rest is history. 


What inspired you to serve as a State Officer?
Past state officers have had big influences in my life and FFA journey. While I went through high school I was able to influence the younger members of my chapter. It was rewarding to me seeing how my impact I had on our middle school members. It was because of this that I wanted to make that influence on members across the state by service as a state officer. 


What are your favorite FFA experiences?
During my time in FFA I have loved participating in the Prepared Public Speaking Leadership Development Event. I also love participating in Career Development Events and have had the opportunity to travel to Oklahoma for the National Land and Soil Judging competition which was an amazing experience. Attending the Washington Leadership Conference was also an FFA experience that has made a positive impact on me. 


What are your future plans?
This fall I will be attending Iowa State University online while I pursue my Agricultural Business degree. After my year of service I will finish out my degree on campus. With my Agricultural Business degree, my career can go many different ways. I have interest in agriculture insurance, as well as sales, finance, and agronomy. Through internships in college I will find the career opportunity that fits me the best!


What is something members should know about you?
FFA has changed my perception of agriculture. I feel that there is a place for everyone within FFA and agriculture and I want to help each member find their place. I feel membership in FFA goes far beyond agriculture, and each and every person can learn life skills from participating in FFA.



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