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WAAE Sponsorships

The Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators (WAAE) is a non-profit agricultural teachers' group that provides professional development to its members throughout the year. Its members consist of secondary and post-secondary agricultural educators. The support of sponsors helps make it possible for WAAE to continually provide up-to-date professional development for agricultural educators in Wisconsin as well as scholarships for teachers to attend the annual Professional Development Conference held in June each year. WAAE provides all members with opportunities for technical training, and networking to support the recruitment and retention of agricultural educators.

Funds raised from sponsorships further this organization by supporting:
  • Instructional kits (curriculum/classroom supply kits for new teachers with a new curriculum focus each year; returning teachers can purchase subsidized kits as well).
  • Career Development Event programming (supplies and resources for the CDE program held across Wisconsin with hundreds of FFA member participants).
  • New Teacher Mentorship/Coaching programs.
  • National conference and policy development.
  • Scholarships for new pre-service teachers so they can attend their first Professional Development Conference before starting their teaching and advisor career.
  • Various other program areas include retired teacher mentoring, Live What We Teach Series for all teachers, Ideas Unlimited program, and more.
If you want to become a sponsor for the yearly Professional Development Conference, please go to WAAE, PDC and click on the sponsorship module and the form will be there for your to complete and pay with credit card.  Thank you.   To see the sponsorship level chart, please  Click here  
To complete the Sponsorship Form, please click here Sponsor Form To Complete

YEARLY SPONSORSHIP TO SUPPORT WAAE (click here for form)      

WAAE invites companies to become a yearly sponsor in support of their programs year round.  Your sponsorship is not used just for the yearly Professional Development Conference, but it is used to support new and continuing teachers in the classroom.  WAAE assists new teachers with classroom and lab setups, curriculum in new areas that are just being introduced as well as historical curriculum in certain areas.  WAAE assists continuing teachers with offering "live what you teach" visits for teachers to see other school offerings, equipment, setups, and more.   

A growing and popular area for agricultural educators is urban agriculture.  This is
 the cultivation, processing, and distribution of agricultural products in urban and suburban areas.   It can include:

  • Community gardens
  • Rooftop farms
  • Hydroponic, aeroponic, and aquaponic facilities
  • Vertical production
  • Backyard and rooftop plots
  • Raising chickens or livestock
  • Keeping bees
  • Growing flowers and non-food crops for landscaping 
Urban agriculture can provide environmental, economic, and social benefits to surrounding communities.  Help our educators expand with your financial support.

By becoming a sponsor of WAAE, you will contribute to our dedication to leading agricultural education professionals in the development of knowledge throughout our ever evolving global community.  Our vision is to be the collective agricultural education leadership voice in Wisconsin.  Your company will gain valuable brand exposure through our many schools while making a tangible difference in Wisconsin's agricultural education system.  

By being a WAAE sponsor you will assist us in making advancements through education, industry, innovations, and partnerships.  Your support helps our professional networking with advocacy at local, state and global levels make an impact on all students with a proactive approach.

Would you like to donate in-kind items for classrooms?  Just call our office at 608-354-6450 or complete the form below and we will contact you directly.

The Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators thanks you!



Below please find our generous sponsors at levels Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze for 2024-25. Please support them. Thank you! Compeer Financial    Compeer link

Wisconsin FFA Alumni & Supporters WI FFA Alumni & Supporters


 Alsum Farm and Produce Inc.  Alsum

Wisconsin Farmers Union Wi Farmers Union

Wis Farm Bureau Foundation  WFBF

Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom WI Ag In The Classroom

Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin

Edward Jones/James Grasee  Edward Jones

Cutting Edge Curriculum, Inc. Cutting Edge Curriculum

Custom Ag Solutions Custom Ag Solutions (partner with USDA)

GreenStone Farm Credit  GreenStone FCS

Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin PDPW 

UBS Financial UBS

UW Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences CALS



Copyright Wisconsin Agricultural Education © 2024. All rights reserved.

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and Wisconsin Association of FFA does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability.

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