There is no shortage of great resources available through many sources. Here are some top places to check when searching for something you need to help with your local ag program, whether it be for classroom, FFA or SAE:
Experts List - Your fellow Wisconsin ag teachers are often the easiest way to find experienced, vetted advice. Here’s a list of self-proclaimed “experts” who are standing by, ready to help with whatever question you might have about their particular area of expertise.
Facebook Ag Ed Discussion Lab - There are two ways to use this resource that connects you with ag teachers across the nation: 1) Search within the group to see if someone has already asked a question similar to yours or 2) Ask your question to the group and watch the comments roll in.
Wisconsin Ag Ed Listserve - Search the listserve archives, or send one email that will reach many Wisconsin ag teachers and other partners. To join, email subscribe-wiagedffa@lists.dpi.wi.gov with the word "subscribe" in the body of your email. Check the DPI website for more details - https://dpi.wi.gov/ag/listserv
Educational Learning Tours by Sections & National FFA Convention
Click on this Module Name and view what teachers have compiled for different educational learning tours to visit when passing through their areas and also for attending the National FFA Convention. Please send your sectional tour lists and National Convention tour ideas to executivedirector@waae.com and each will be posted here.
Pre-Service/Beginning & New Teacher/Mentor Program
Learn more about our pre-service and beginning teacher program along with new teacher and mentor resources.
Inside this module you will find different forms and documents to use when promoting Agricultural Education and educators.
WAAE Apparel
The WAAE apparel provider is Eagle Promotions and Apparel in Mauston, WI. Their website link is Eagle Promotions and Apparel and their phone number is (608)847-2240. Email is eagle@eaglepromo.net.